The Middlebury Public Library will host a holiday craft fair in the community rooms on Saturday, December 4 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Interested in being a vendor? Find more info below, then apply to be a vendor.
This fair is specifically geared towards artists/bakers who make and sell their own hand-made items. 6′ x 3′ tables will be provided at a fee of $30 per table. All table fees will go to the Friends of the Library to support library materials and programming. As a vendor, you will provide your own table coverings and decor, change, cash boxes, etc. Set up is either Friday, Dec. 3 from 12-4:30 p.m. or Saturday, Dec. 4 from 8-10 a.m.
During the fair, you will have an opportunity to give a demonstration of how you make your craft, if you choose. These demonstrations will happen at your table, so make sure it’s something you can show people at your booth. We will create a schedule of demonstrations throughout the day so that attendees who are interested in a particular craft can make sure to attend your demo!
We will have hot drinks and cookies available for vendors, and a food truck will be parked outside the library with food for purchase.
If interested, please submit the vendor application by November 30. Feel free to reach out to Sarah Rich, Middlebury Library Adult Services Librarian, with any questions: 574-825-5601 or sarahr@middleburylibrary.org.
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