8/12 Board Meeting Rescheduled
Tonight’s board meeting has been cancelled due to power outages. We have reschedule it for next Thursday, August 19 at 6:30 PM in the Community Room. If you have any questions, contact our director or the board.
Back-to-School Books and Resources
It’s back to school time! The start of a new school year could be your chance to get into a good routine with homework, lesson planning, and academic wellness. Whether you’re a student, parent, or teacher, we’ve got something for you at the library to help you start the school year right! Find back-to-school library […]

New Library Subscription to The Elkhart Truth Online
We have added a subscription to The Elkhart Truth via NewsBank. This means you can now access daily issues of the Elkhart Truth online for free through the library’s website! To keep up with the news in Elkhart County, just click here or find the link to The Elkhart Truth on our Online Resources page. […]
American Pioneers and Trailblazers
July means fireworks, grilling, red-white-&blue popsicles . . . and celebrating American heroes! We all learned about George Washington and Thomas Jefferson in school, but have you ever heard about Major Taylor or Deborah Sampson? This month we are highlighting some of those lesser-known American pioneers who changed the course of American history. Some of […]
Free Annual Pass to Ox Bow County Park
The Elkhart County Parks has donated one annual park pass for admission for Ox Bow County Park to the library. This pass has a 7 day loan with no renewals. Patrons may ask the front desk if interested or put it on hold by logging into their library account on the online catalog. Search “Elkhart […]
E-Books for Kids on World Book E-Books
Looking for a picture book on animals, sports, space, or more? You can access hundreds of nonfiction kids’ books from World E-Book without even leaving your living room! All you need is a computer, smart phone, or tablet and an Internet connection. Lots of these books even have a read-aloud feature so your child can […]
Books and Websites for LGBTQ Pride Month
It’s Pride Month! This year marks 51 years since LGBTQ Pride Month was first celebrated in June 1970, on the one-year anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising. Police raids on the Stonewall Inn gay bar in New York in 1969 sparked a movement for LGBTQ rights that persists today. Read about Stonewall, or browse the resources below […]
2021 Summer Reading
adfadfasdfasdfasdf Join us as we explore Tails and Tales this summer! Summer Reading begins June 1 this summer. All ages of patrons are invited to participate in a summer full of reading, tails and tales. From making pet treats, to animal photography classes and tales of animals from deep beneath the ocean to behind your backyard, […]
Middlebury Literary Carousel 2021
Come enjoy a variety of programs designed for all who love to learn. We aim to bring families, children, teens, and adults together in a fun and enjoyable atmosphere while emphasizing the importance of literacy for lifelong learning. Take a look at our line up this year! For more information on certain events or registration, […]
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
If you’ve been paying attention to the increase in anti-Asian hate crimes in the past year and want to learn more about Asian-American history from Asian-American voices, then this is your chance; May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month! The month of May was chosen to commemorate the immigration of the first Japanese […]
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