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2024 Library Survey
Did you visit Middlebury Public Library in the past year?
Did you visit Middlebury Public Library in the past year?
No, I only use online services.
No, I did not visit the Library.
If you haven't visited the Library in the past year, please tell us why.
Select all that apply.
Library hours are inconvenient.
My household needs are met by buying books and/or media.
My household needs are met by our home internet or computer.
The Library is far away and/or inconveniently located.
My household’s interests are not represented by the Library.
Lack of transportation or accessibility.
N/A or I do visit the Library.
Other (please specify)
If you have visited the Library in the past year, what are the main reasons you visit the Library?
Select all that apply.
To borrow adult books.
To borrow movies, music, or other media.
To borrow children’s or teen books and materials.
To get information or reference help.
To use the computers, internet, or WiFi.
To use the copier, printer, fax, or scanner.
To gather socially or study.
To use meeting rooms or other spaces.
To attend children’s programs.
To attend teen programs.
To attend adult programs.
Other (please specify)
How often did you visit Middlebury Public Library in the past year?
How often did you visit Middlebury Public Library in the past year?
A few times a year
Which of the following age groups are represented in your household?
Select all that apply.
Which areas of the Library's physical collection would you like to see enhanced?
Which areas of the Library's physical collection would you like to see enhanced?
Adult books (fiction and nonfiction)
Children’s books and materials (fiction, nonfiction, and parent/caregiver resources
Teen books
Movies and music
Video games
Audiobooks and Playaways
Magazines and newspapers
Library of Things (musical instruments, tools, laptops, hotspots, games, etc.
Other (please specify)
Which children's programming topics would you like more of at the Library?
Select all that apply.
Programs for children ages birth to 6 years (including storytime)
Programs for ages 7 to 12 years
Support for local schools and daycares
Literacy and reading programs
Parent and caregiver programs
Art and craft programs
Outdoor and nature-based programs
STEM programs (science, technology, engineering, math, robotics, coding, etc.
Other (please specify)
Which teen programming topics would you like more of at the Library?
Select all that apply.
Support for local schools and youth organizations
STEM programs (science, technology, engineering, math, robotics, coding, etc.
Art and craft programs
Outdoor and nature-based programs
Reading programs (reading challenges, book clubs)
Mental health and wellness programs
Adulting programs (fixing a flat tire, financial budgeting, basic cooking, personal safety, etc.)
Social gatherings
Other (please specify)
Which adult programming topics would you like more of at the Library?
Select all that apply.
Computer and tech help
Workforce development
Social service and government assistance (tax help, housing, health care assistance)
Books and authors
Mental health and wellness programs
Parent and caregiver support
Art and craft programs
Cooking and food programs
Financial planning and information
Environment and outdoor activities
Music and movies
Games (cards, board games)
Other (please specify)
Which areas of the Library's website, digital materials, and online content would you like to see enhanced?
Select all that apply.
Adult eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMedia (streaming downloadable movies and music)
Children’s eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMedia
Teen eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMedia
Educational databases/online resources
Enhanced online catalog (access to holds, book reviews, search function, etc.)
Virtual programs for adults and seniors
Online recommendations from Library staff (book lists, resource lists)
Other (please specify)
Which technology would you like to see enhanced at the Library?
Select all that apply.
Internet access/WiFi
Introductory technology classes (email, Word, Excel)
Advanced technology classes (Photoshop, Canva, basic website setup)
Book lockers
Devices to check out (laptops, iPads, mobile hotspots, etc.)
Maker spaces (a collaborative space for hands-on learning such as 3D printing, new software, and machines)
Other (please specify)
One way Middlebury Public Library can serve me and my family is:
One way Middlebury Public Library can serve me and my family is:
One way Middlebury Public Library has positively affected me and my family is:
One way Middlebury Public Library has positively affected me and my family is:
What is your zip code?
What is your zip code?
Where or how would you like to get information about the Library?
Select all that apply.
Library website/mobile app
Library email or newsletter
Social media (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok)
Local print media
Postal mail
Flyers at local businesses
Other (please specify)
If you would like to receive our e-newsletter to find out more about the latest news and programs happening at the Library, please share your email address.
If you would like to receive our e-newsletter to find out more about the latest news and programs happening at the Library, please share your email address.
How did you find out about this survey?
How did you find out about this survey?
A mailer
Online (social media, website, e-newsletter, etc.)
Library staff
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