June 2021
American Pioneers and Trailblazers
July means fireworks, grilling, red-white-&blue popsicles . . . and celebrating American heroes! We all learned about George Washington and Thomas Jefferson in school, but have you ever heard about Major Taylor or Deborah Sampson? This month we are highlighting some of those lesser-known American pioneers who changed the course of American history. Some of […]
Free Annual Pass to Ox Bow County Park
The Elkhart County Parks has donated one annual park pass for admission for Ox Bow County Park to the library. This pass has a 7 day loan with no renewals. Patrons may ask the front desk if interested or put it on hold by logging into their library account on the online catalog. Search “Elkhart […]
E-Books for Kids on World Book E-Books
Looking for a picture book on animals, sports, space, or more? You can access hundreds of nonfiction kids’ books from World E-Book without even leaving your living room! All you need is a computer, smart phone, or tablet and an Internet connection. Lots of these books even have a read-aloud feature so your child can […]
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