October 2020
Middlebury Candy Madness: We have a winner!
After four rounds of voting for the Middlebury community’s favorite candy, we have an answer. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup was the overwhelming winner. And for those who have a peanut allergy, it nice to know that the Milky Way chocolate bar came in second.
In-Depth Resources
Explore a wide variety of topics including: Pandemics, The Gun Debate, Nations of the World, Treaties, Working Americans through the decades, the Value of a Dollar, Privacy Rights, Immigration, the Solar System, The Ancient World, Novels into Films and more. Go to Online Resources tab>Adults>scroll down to In-Depth Resources
Lego Club on Zoom
We are having Lego Club via Zoom on Tuesdays, November 3 & December 1 from 4-5 pm. This is an informal way to get together and share what we’ve built with our own Legos. This group is for ages 5 thru Grade 5. Register to receive the meeting links which are sent out the day […]
Looking for Middlebury Groups and Businesses
We are looking for Middlebury Groups and Businesses who want to participate in our drive thru “Trunk or Treat” on October 31 from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm. Call Beth at the library, 574-825-5601
October Murder at the Library
On October 28 at 7 PM, Author Caroline B. Cooney talks about her book, “Before She Was Helen”. Electronic copies are available in different formats, hard copies are at the Front Desk. Register at the online Event Calendar to receive the Zoom link.
Story Time on Zoom
Storytime is now for the whole family via Zoom on Wednesdays at 10:00 am. This is open to all families who are at home and wanting to hear good stories. Register at online Event Calendar to receive weekly Zoom links.
Indiana Second District
Need help with a federal agency? A representative from Congresswoman Jackie Walorski’s office will be at the library on Friday, October 9 from 1:00 – 2:30 pm to assist with federal agency casework and other official business.
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