Check Out All Our Programs and Events


Parents, you’re not alone. We can find your kid’s next favorite book, read stories with your little ones, or help out with a homework assignment.

1000 Books Before Kindergarten

1000 Books Before Kindergarten encourages your reader through an incentivized, engaging program! Sign up at our Children’s Desk at the library.

Reading Ready! Early Life Storytime

Bring your little ones for an interactive storytime, where we’ll focus on early literacy skills, socio-emotional learning, and engaging experiences in themed segments.

STEM with a Story

Second Mondays are for STEM. Each month after school, this upper-elementary and intermediate-level program includes: a few stories read aloud relating to that month’s theme, a STEM experiment to work on together, and knowledge to take with you! This program is suitable for various ages (1st-5th). Please be sure to register to secure your spot!


There’s home. There’s school. Then there’s here.

Anime Club

Calling all anime lovers! Meet once a month to relax with friends, enjoy some snacks, try new foods (from Japanese culture), and watch a few episodes of an anime together.
Occasionally accompanied by a craft or activity. 

Silent Book Club

Socializing isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay with us! Introducing a book club where you can read anything you like, just come to the Library for silent reading and snacks.

Read It & Draw: 4th-8th Book Club

We’ll read various genres of J-level (ages 8-12) books in our collection, available for pickup at the Youth Desk (limit of 6 copies), then color/draw in reference to the story. This book club will include intermediate students, so 4th-8th graders are welcome. Snacks included.


View our many programs geared toward adults.

Books & Brews

Enjoy a lighter read? Join Books & Brews – an informal book club held at local restaurants the 3rd Tuesday of every month. Register and pick up your book at the library front desk.

Cook the Book

Come experiment with food and find new recipes at our monthly cookbook club! Every first Tuesday we cook a dish or two from that month’s cookbook and then share a meal together.

Let’s Talk About It!

At this long-standing book club, we read books on a theme each spring and fall. Speakers present on the theme and then lead a group book discussion. Register and pick up your book at the library front desk.

Check Out All Our Programs and Events

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